Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

December 19th, 2006 7:00 PM


Location:          Hotel Gander




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                             Ms. Cynthia Fleet, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                Dr. Barbara Palmer (Recorder)

Mr. John George                                              Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Peter Gibbons                                            Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Hubert Langdon

Mr. Scott Pritchett

Dr. Greg Woolfrey

Ms. Kim Cheeks

Mr. Kerry Noble

Mr. Peter Budgell

Mr. Bill Sceviour

Ms. Audrey Whiteway

Mr. Newman Harris

Ms. Ann Sparkes




Mr. Robert Hannaford

Ms. Bonnie Lane-McCarthy

Mr. Shawn Brace


1.         Welcome


            The Chair brought the meeting to order.


2.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:           to approve the agenda with the following additions:

·        Air Quality

·        Additional District Office Support

                         (George/Sceviour).  Carried.


Mr. George and Mr. Harris did not get the meeting package.  The Chair said we will have to look at this to find out what is happening.


3.         Minutes of Meetings


            3.1       Regular Meeting November 21st, 2006


Motion:           to accept the minutes of the November 21st, 2006 meeting as amended:


Mr. Noble – Business Arising – to lift the tabled motion to re-name the Personnel Division to Human Resources Division.

(Langdon/Harris).  Carried.


Mr. Harris pointed out that the minutes of November 21, 2006 did not specify the names of the new executive.


            3.2       Special Board Meeting Minutes December 3rd, 2006


Motion:           to accept the Minutes of the December 3rd, 2006 special Board Meeting.  (Whiteway/Sparkes).  Carried.


The Chair drew attention to the motion carried by the Board at the Special Meeting on December 3, 2006 when the Board approved to suspend regular committee meetings until June 30th, 2007 unless deemed necessary by the Chairperson of a specific committee.


4.         Human Resources – Tabled Motion


Motion:           to change the name of the Personnel Committee to the Human Resources Committee

 (Noble/Brown).  Carried.


5.         Sale of Coaker Academy


The Director stated there were 4 bids received:


Robert Stuckless          $10,000.00

Oakwood Enterprises   $ 4,000.00

Todd Manuel                $ 6,150.00

Don Manuel                 $27,500.00


Motion:           to accept the highest bid for the sale of Coaker Academy from Don Manuel for $27,500.00.  (Brown/Pritchett).  Carried.


6.         Professional Development for Trustees


Prince Edward Island


Atlantic Conference – January 25 – 27, 2007 Charlottetown


·        Nada Borden sent a reminder to get registered for the Conference.

·        Late fee of $15.00 after January 15

·        The Chair asked the Director for comments.

·        The Director referred to sheet re:  costs, airfare, referred to numbers sent last year.  There were 6 at the Halifax Conference in 2004-2005.  Money will come from account under board meetings.

·        Decision to Board for number to go to conferences.

·        The following identified errors in the names indicated for attendance at previous conferences:

Mr. Clar Brown reported that he did not attend the Atlantic Conference in Halifax in 2004-2005.  Ms. Audrey Whiteway did not attend the National Conference in Toronto in 2003-2004.  Both Mr. Scott Pritchett and Mr. Bill Sceviour did not attend the National Conference in Vancouver in 2004-2005.




·        National Congress – July 4 – 6

·        Cheapest $1,357.00

·        Mr. Brown mentioned driving to St. John’s cheaper than flying from Gander.


The Chair asked about the budget for conferences

The Director stated this comes from Board meetings

National is usually attended by the Chair

Atlantic is usually attended by 3 or 4 others.  There are 6 interested in attending the Atlantic Conference in PEI:  Thomas Kendell, Clar Brown, John George, Peter Gibbons, Newman Harris, and Scott Pritchett.  The Chair suggested that the board concentrate on the Atlantic Conference and not the National Congress.  The Chair noted that there is a need to set some parameters re conferences.


NLSBA – Provincial Conference – Rocky Harbour – June


·        The Chair asked for further discussion regarding the conferences.

·        Mr. Langdon stated that the Board should build policies so all Trustees get an opportunity to participate in conferences and prioritize conferences.  Provincial conferences were noted as being good professional development for all trustees.

·        It was suggested to send those interested to PEI and look at a long-term plan.

·        Mr. Sceviour – historically had a clear notion and there were years when no one was interested in attending.  He also stated that there is a need for clear understanding around conference attendance.

·        The estimated cost to send 6 people to PEI is $1,330 per person.

·        Mr. Pritchett suggested looking at renting a mini van to drive to St. John’s or Deer Lake and fly from there.

·        There was a discussion as to whether or not a motion was needed regarding attendance at the Atlantic Conference.

·        Dr.Woolfrey noted no motion was needed – send them

·        The Chair said this is okay and to move on with the agenda.

·        The Director asked the Chair to check with trustees and let her know if they need airline flights booked.

·        The Director will get a quote on van rental.

·        The Chair will meet with the group and let the Director know the details.

·        The National Congress will be discussed later.


Proposed Dates for NLSBA PD Module and Revision of constitution/By-Laws and Governance Policies:  January 12-13; February 23-24; March 23-24; April 20-21


·        The Chair asked for dates to be set.

·        Dr.Woolfrey suggested April 9 will raise some conflict and asked that the dates be moved one week later to April 27-28.

·        Hours for PD: Friday  4:30 PM  – 10 PM and Saturday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM.

·        Mr. Budgell asked whether or not Trustees would then drive home.  The Chair responded no.

·        Mr. Brown said guidelines suggest overnight stays are left to the discretion of the Trustee.  Mr. Budgell mentioned he was turned down twice and there may be a need for further discussion.


7.         Executive Committee Report


The meeting was held on December 11th, 2006.


·        Reviewed evaluation forms submitted on November 21.

·        Planning December 19 – Regular Board Meeting

·        Mr. George reported on pre-budget consultations

·        Main points were covered

·        Meeting started at 8:00 PM – 10:30 PM.  The Director, Mr. Brace and Mr. George did 2 points each.  Mr. George did the introduction, the Director did the summary.  The Director feels the points were will made, requests were relevant.  Both Mr. George and the Director stated that they felt good about the presentation.

·        The Chair went through items listed in the Report.  It was suggested that there is a need to discuss trustees’ presence at openings of new schools.  All Trustees need a vision and knowledge of the district.

·        The Chair discussed the needs to have something on paper re:  Director’s evaluation.

·        Airials gymnastics club proposal – Mr. Pritchett’s committee needs to review this document.  Mr. Pritchett stated this is confusing since committees meetings have been suspended.

·        The Chair stated if the need arises then a committee can meet.  The Director read through the motion to this effect.


Motion:           to accept the report of the Executive Committee.  (Kendell/George).  Carried.


8.         Restructuring Update


The Director stated what needs to happen for September 2007:


Top Priority:


Woodland Primary, Grand Falls-Windsor – we have to determine accommodations for primary students.  Should have a picture in January 9th meeting regarding the plan for a K-6 system.  There are two issues:  short-term and long-term plan.


Hare Bay – meeting with Jane Collins Academy and William Mercer Academy School councils on January 17 or January 31.  The director will inform the Board of the confirmed date.


King’s Point – There is a meeting planned for January 29, 2007 with school councils.  The parents have now approached Minister Burke and Minister Shelley.  Detailed information on bussing is now completed and gone out to parents.  The bus run from Harry’s Harbour to Springdale is just under 60 minutes.  The Department has to be consulted on this.  The Board needs all the information such has programs, bussing, etc., when making these decisions.  The Director said the Board’s direction given to her in September was to proceed with the plan.  Dr. Woolfrey asked for a memo with this information.  The Director said she is working through this.  Because is it not known yet how teachers will be assigned it is difficult to make some decisions, such as availability of programs.


Gill Memorial Academy, Musgrave Harbour – the Director is meeting with the School Council.  It is difficult for the Board to commit to dates re: projects because issues in the province impact all projects funded by the Department..


Holy Cross School, Eastport – may be an issue.


Exploits Valley Intermediate, Grand Falls-Windsor – moving along.  There are three pieces of information the lawyers requested and one final piece from the surveyor is outstanding.  This remaining piece should be in St. John’s by Friday.


Baie Verte – preliminary draft report completed.  The Director visited Baie Verte today with the engineers and looked at alternate sites for the school.  She also met with the Mayor.  The recommendation is to abandon the current school building including the gym.  We should expect a recommendation for a new school in the final report.  The Director will advise the principals of the school, the Department wanted to inform the Board first.


MSB Regional Academy, Middle Arm – The Director signed off on the floor plan.


Dorset Collegiate, Pilley’s Island – there is support from the 3 school councils in the area.  The total has gone from an estimated cost of 1.4 to 4. million.


Lewisporte – will be pursued when the time comes.  Not a high priority right now.


Harbour Breton – a long time away.


It was noted that emergencies will be looked at first. Mr. Brown asked about the letter re:  Cape John Collegiate.  The Director has the letter.


9.         Air Quality


  • The Director met with the Manager of Maintenance, Mr. Wayne Gilbert.  Mr. Gilbert will begin assessments of schools with particular attention to first the age and second water damage and any which might be suspect.  The Director expects a response for support from Government.
  • The Director wants to move it ahead.
  • Dr. Woolfrey asked if this is a visual assessment.
  • The Director informed him that it was a visual assessment looking for tell tale signs.
  • Dr. Woolfrey inquired what the cost would be to assess the schools and whether or not all schools would be assessed.
  • The Director said there won’t be funding to do this everywhere.
  • Ms. Cheeks suggested it might cost $9,000 - $10,000 for such assessments.
  • The Director stated that we have to follow protocol for this.  Schools are inspected by Environmental Health Officers at least once per year and in some cases twice per year.


10.       District Office Support


Directors met with the Assistant Deputy Minister of Education and confirmed the amount that would be given.  There is little room for maneuvering.  The Director will submit the organizational chart and the approved chart for accessing money.  We will get close to $500,000.  Work should be finished by the next board meeting.  When we receive a response from Government then we will begin advertising the positions but we won’t hire until the money is approved.  The Director highlighted the areas for additional positions:

·        Accounting

·        Human Resources

·        Corporate Services

·        Programming Support


The Director also briefly suggested the new organizational chart will include an Executive Branch:


·        Director

·        3 Assistant Directors

·        Senior Administrative Position (not an educator)

There will also be a layer of Senior Education Officers reporting to the Executive Branch.


Dr. Woolfrey asked whether or not the Governance Meetings could be rotated between Gander and Grand Falls-Windsor.  The Chair agreed that this should not pose any problems.


11.       Date of Next Meeting


The next regular board meeting will be held on January 16th, 2007 in Grand Falls-Windsor.


12.       Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting (Harris/George).  Carried




_____________________________                          ____________________________

Thomas Kendell                                                           Barbara Palmer

Chair                                                                            Recorder

